This place is a mess now because the webmaster is currently away. He is distracted and occupied by the responsibilities of everyday life. Therefore only during leisure time could he work on the site. Even when there is time he would prefer working on contents rather than on the look of this website.

So, one might wonder, "this site looks messy, but at least it should be about something!" As the name suggests, this site is about software; but more specifically, software developed by TNK. Though there were more projects TNK had involved in, the ones listed here were/are being developed entirely out of self-driven motivations -- the "intellectual properties" of TNK, the "products of passion" from his passion for computer programming. TNK might release those applications at his discretion.

For your visit and discovery of this website, TNK has left for you a sneakpeek on TNK Emotisign, a GUI signs generator he was working on. This is intended for TSoft visitors only. Please be so kind as to not hotlink the video directly at other websites, as doing so might overload the allowed bandwidth and kill the web host.

Press Play on the Flash media player below for the lo-fi stream. However, it is preferred that you get the file through the 3rd-party file host at the link given below. In doing so you help to conserve the limited bandwidth TSoft has with its web host. TNK bribes you with a higher quality version to encourage you to download from there instead. There is also a collection of emotisigns here.

TCLogs (late 2008): A commandline utility to help keep track of filesize changes and the existence of monitored files. With each run, the util produces a report specifying whether the monitored files have increased or shrunk in size (and by how much), or have gone missing (and for how long). To facilitate further automations, this utility provides meaningful result status code on the overall file checks per run. Are you an admin and often find yourself waking up at night with anxieties, wondering if those mission critical files or reports have been generated or uploaded yet? With this util and some scripting skills you can monitor all those files and have the results sent to your email or mobile phone.. [like so]. With a quick glance at the results you know if you could go back to sleep in peace or should power up the PC for some night work ahead.  [screenshot]
           Download  (39 KB; MD5sum: 760BB6AA6591A7835873D631CBDCE0E3)

TNK Emotisign (late 2005): This app generates emoticons (smilies) holding sign posts. It was developed in Visual C++ using Win32 API. A beta build was released but only to a few selected individuals. But who would have thought it was being used only as the tool. The big question is, "the tool for what?" The aftermath? See for yourself. [screenshot]

TienLen (summer 2003): A popular card game loved by men, women and children in Asian cultures. The game was planned for human vs. computer vs. network players, and with a vision for further expansions and integration into other projects. Convinced that he wouldn't feel worthy to claim associations with true Windows programmers if he continued to follow the typical features-lacking, UI drag-and-dropping, framework-abusing, form-designing type of projects (often seen done with VB/.Net applications), TNK decided to venture into the extreme realm of Windows programming. As a result, TienLen was the project TNK picked to be his first hardcore Windows app as he was teaching himself to Windows program from the ground up, using pure Win32 API in Visual C++. Gaming controls and logics as well as human and basic computer players were implemented. Unfortunately due to lack of spare time and, later on his shifted interest toward TNK Emotisign, network capabilities and further developments on this project were put on hold. [screenshot]

TimeCalc (2001 or 2002): A punch-card time calculator. This program was written when TNK noticed at one of his old jobs many people did not, cannot and shall not know how to add and properly manipulate time. One day the supervisor suddenly had the added responsibility of tracking employees' hours from the punch-card timesheets for comparison with the hours tracked by the electronic swipecard system. This custom program was given to her as a gift for that purpose, and also to save us all.

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